12 Best Things to Do in the Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands, an archipelago of volcanic islands located in the Pacific Ocean, offer unique wildlife experiences and breathtaking landscapes. This UNESCO World Heritage site is famous for its diverse ecosystems and endemic species, making it a top destination for nature enthusiasts and scientists alike.


When visiting the Galapagos Islands, you can embark on guided tours to explore the various islands, each with its own distinct flora and fauna. Snorkeling and diving are popular activities, allowing you to witness vibrant marine life, including sea turtles, rays, and the iconic Galapagos sharks. On land, you can hike through volcanic landscapes, visit the Charles Darwin Research Station to learn about conservation efforts, and observe giant tortoises in their natural habitat. Birdwatchers will be thrilled with the chance to see species like the blue-footed booby and the Galapagos penguin. Additionally, kayaking and paddleboarding offer serene ways to explore the coastal areas. Remember to adhere to the strict environmental regulations to preserve this unique ecosystem for future generations.

La Ruta de la Tortuga (Santa Cruz Island)

1. La Ruta de la Tortuga (Santa Cruz Island)

Natural Wonders, Hiking, Recreation, Sightseeing

1 to 2 hours

La Ruta de la Tortuga, located on Santa Cruz Island in the Galápagos, offers a captivating experience for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers. This trail provides an opportunity to observe giant tortoises in their natural habitat, showcasing these magnificent creatures as they roam freely and interact with their surroundings. As you walk along the well-marked paths, you’ll traverse diverse landscapes, including lush highland forests and endemic flora. The journey is not just about the tortoises; the route also offers birdwatching opportunities, with species like Darwin’s finches and Galápagos mockingbirds frequently spotted. Informative signage along the way educates visitors about the island’s unique ecosystem and conservation efforts. Many tours also include a visit to the Charles Darwin Research Station, where you can learn more about ongoing scientific work to preserve the Galápagos' fragile environment. La Ruta de la Tortuga is a must-visit for anyone seeking to connect with the natural wonders of the Galápagos Islands.

Tortuga Bay (Santa Cruz Island)

2. Tortuga Bay (Santa Cruz Island)

Beaches, Natural Wonders, Free, Sightseeing

2 hours to Half Day

Tortuga Bay, located on Santa Cruz Island in the Galápagos, is a pristine paradise renowned for its stunning white sand beaches and crystal-clear waters. A visit here offers a plethora of activities for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. You can start by hiking a well-maintained path through a diverse landscape of cacti and coastal vegetation, leading you to the breathtaking Playa Brava. This beach is perfect for a leisurely stroll or simply soaking up the sun. For those who love water activities, Playa Mansa, a calm lagoon-like area at the end of the bay, is ideal for swimming, kayaking, and snorkeling. Here, you might encounter marine iguanas, colorful fish, and even friendly sharks. Birdwatchers can also delight in spotting a variety of species, including the famous blue-footed boobies and pelicans. With its blend of relaxation and exploration, Tortuga Bay is a must-visit destination in the Galápagos.

La Lobería (San Cristóbal Island)

3. La Lobería (San Cristóbal Island)

Beaches, Natural Wonders, Free, Sightseeing

2 hours to Half Day

La Lobería, located on San Cristóbal Island in the Galápagos, offers a fantastic blend of wildlife viewing and beach relaxation. Named after the large colony of sea lions ("lobos marinos") that inhabit the area, it's a hotspot for observing these playful creatures up close. The beach features pristine white sands and turquoise waters, ideal for sunbathing and swimming. Snorkeling is a must-do activity here, as the underwater world teems with colorful fish, sea turtles, and occasionally, rays. The rocky outcrops and coral reefs provide a mesmerizing backdrop for underwater exploration. For those interested in birdwatching, the area is home to various species, including the famous blue-footed boobies and frigatebirds. A short hike from the beach leads to cliffs offering panoramic views of the coastline and the ocean. The trail also passes through areas with endemic flora and fauna, making it a rewarding experience for nature enthusiasts. Whether you're an adventure seeker or simply looking to unwind, La Lobería offers something for everyone.

Galápagos Islands Snorkeling & Diving

4. Galápagos Islands Snorkeling & Diving

Natural Wonders, Free, Swimming/Pools, Sightseeing

2 hours to Half Day

"Galápagos Islands Snorkeling & Diving" offers an unparalleled underwater adventure in one of the world's most unique ecosystems. Dive into crystal-clear waters teeming with life, where you can encounter playful sea lions, graceful sea turtles, and vibrant schools of tropical fish. The islands' nutrient-rich currents attract an array of marine species, including hammerhead sharks, manta rays, and even the occasional whale shark, providing thrilling experiences for both novice and advanced divers. Snorkelers can explore shallow reefs and rocky shorelines, witnessing the fascinating behavior of marine iguanas as they forage underwater. The diverse underwater landscapes, from volcanic rock formations to colorful coral gardens, create a mesmerizing backdrop for your aquatic explorations. Guided tours led by experienced naturalists ensure that you gain a deeper understanding of the fragile marine environment and its conservation. Whether you're snorkeling or diving, the Galápagos Islands promise an unforgettable journey beneath the waves, offering close encounters with some of the planet's most extraordinary marine life.

El Chato Tortoise Reserve (Santa Cruz Island)

5. El Chato Tortoise Reserve (Santa Cruz Island)

Parks and Gardens, Sightseeing

2 hours to Half Day

El Chato Tortoise Reserve, located on Santa Cruz Island in the Galápagos archipelago, offers a unique and immersive experience for nature enthusiasts. This protected area is renowned for its thriving population of giant tortoises, which visitors can observe in their natural habitat. Walking through the lush, green highlands, you'll encounter these majestic creatures leisurely grazing or soaking in mud pools, which help them stay cool and fend off parasites. The reserve's diverse landscape also features lava tunnels, which are fascinating underground formations created by ancient volcanic activity. Exploring these tunnels provides a sense of adventure and a glimpse into the island's geological history. Birdwatchers will be delighted by the abundance of avian species, including Darwin's finches and other endemic birds. Guided tours are available, offering insightful information about the tortoises, the island's ecology, and conservation efforts. El Chato Tortoise Reserve is not just a haven for wildlife but also a place of education and inspiration, highlighting the importance of preserving these incredible ecosystems.

Galápagos Bird-watching

6. Galápagos Bird-watching

Free, Sightseeing

2 hours to Half Day

Galápagos Bird-watching offers an unparalleled experience for nature enthusiasts and bird lovers alike. Renowned for its unique and diverse avian species, the Galápagos Islands provide a sanctuary for birdwatching where you can observe species found nowhere else on Earth. You can spot the iconic blue-footed boobies performing their fascinating mating dances, or marvel at the elegant waved albatrosses gliding effortlessly over the ocean. Take guided tours led by expert naturalists who will help you identify and understand the behaviors of the islands' bird species, including the famous Darwin's finches, which played a key role in Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Explore different habitats, from lush highlands to coastal mangroves, each offering unique birding opportunities. Don't miss the chance to see the rare Galápagos penguin and the vibrant red-footed boobies. Whether you're a seasoned birder or a curious traveler, Galápagos Bird-watching promises an unforgettable, educational adventure.

Puerto Ayora (Santa Cruz Island)

7. Puerto Ayora (Santa Cruz Island)

Free, Neighborhood/Area

Half Day to Full Day

Puerto Ayora, located on Santa Cruz Island in the Galápagos archipelago, is a vibrant hub of activity and exploration. Visitors can start their adventure at the Charles Darwin Research Station, where they can learn about ongoing conservation efforts and see giant tortoises up close. The bustling waterfront offers numerous shops, cafes, and restaurants where you can sample local cuisine and fresh seafood. For nature enthusiasts, a short hike leads to Tortuga Bay, a stunning beach perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and spotting marine iguanas. The nearby Las Grietas, a series of striking volcanic crevices filled with crystal-clear water, is ideal for snorkeling and swimming. Don't miss the local fish market, where you can witness pelicans and sea lions vying for scraps from the day's catch. Whether you're interested in wildlife, relaxation, or local culture, Puerto Ayora provides a diverse array of experiences that capture the essence of the Galápagos.

Puerto Villamil (Isabela Island)

8. Puerto Villamil (Isabela Island)

Free, Neighborhood/Area

Half Day to Full Day

Puerto Villamil, located on Isabela Island in the Galápagos, offers a wealth of activities for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. You can start by exploring the pristine white-sand beaches, perfect for sunbathing and snorkeling in the clear turquoise waters. Nearby, the Concha de Perla lagoon provides an excellent spot for snorkeling with an array of marine life such as sea lions, turtles, and colorful fish. For those interested in wildlife, visit the Flamingo Lagoon, home to the largest concentration of flamingos in the Galápagos. The Tortoise Breeding Center is another must-see, where you can learn about and observe the giant tortoises native to the island. Hiking options include the Sierra Negra volcano, which boasts one of the world's largest volcanic craters. The Wall of Tears, a historical site built by prisoners in the mid-20th century, offers both a sobering history lesson and stunning views. Whether you're snorkeling, hiking, or simply soaking in the natural beauty, Puerto Villamil offers an unforgettable Galápagos experience.

Puerto Baquerizo Moreno (San Cristóbal Island)

9. Puerto Baquerizo Moreno (San Cristóbal Island)

Free, Neighborhood/Area

Half Day to Full Day

Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, the capital of San Cristóbal Island in the Galápagos, offers a wealth of unique experiences. Begin your visit at the Interpretation Center to understand the archipelago's natural and cultural history. Just a short walk away, immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Playa Mann, perfect for swimming and sunbathing. For wildlife enthusiasts, La Lobería is a must-visit, where you can snorkel among playful sea lions and observe marine iguanas. Adventurous visitors can hike to El Junco, a freshwater lagoon, for panoramic views and bird-watching opportunities. Don't miss Kicker Rock, a stunning rock formation ideal for diving or snorkeling, where you can encounter sharks, rays, and tropical fish. In town, enjoy local seafood at waterfront restaurants and shop for unique souvenirs. The relaxed pace and friendly locals make Puerto Baquerizo Moreno a perfect base for exploring the diverse wonders of the Galápagos Islands.

Sierra Negra Volcano (Isabela Island)

10. Sierra Negra Volcano (Isabela Island)

Natural Wonders, Hiking, Sightseeing

Half Day to Full Day

The Sierra Negra Volcano on Isabela Island in the Galápagos offers an extraordinary adventure for nature enthusiasts and hikers. You can embark on a guided trek to the volcano's massive caldera, one of the largest in the world, measuring about 10 kilometers in diameter. The hike, which typically starts from the town of Puerto Villamil, takes you through diverse landscapes, including lush highland vegetation and striking lava fields. As you reach the caldera's rim, you'll be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views of the crater and the surrounding islands. Along the way, you'll have the chance to observe unique wildlife, such as Galápagos finches, hawks, and possibly even giant tortoises. The hike also offers opportunities to explore secondary volcanic features, like the smaller Volcán Chico, where you can witness more recent lava formations and fumaroles. This excursion combines physical activity with the rich natural history and geological wonders of the Galápagos, making it a must-do experience.

Charles Darwin Research Station (Santa Cruz Island)

11. Charles Darwin Research Station (Santa Cruz Island)

Free, Parks and Gardens, Sightseeing

1 to 2 hours

The Charles Darwin Research Station, located on Santa Cruz Island in the Galápagos archipelago, offers a unique and enriching experience for visitors. At this world-renowned research facility, you can explore various exhibits that showcase the ecological and conservation efforts in the Galápagos. One of the highlights is the opportunity to see the giant Galápagos tortoises up close, including the famous breeding center where these majestic creatures are nurtured and studied. You can also learn about the diverse flora and fauna of the islands through interactive displays and educational materials. The station provides insights into ongoing scientific research and the critical work being done to preserve this unique ecosystem. Additionally, guided tours with knowledgeable staff members offer deeper understanding and appreciation of the conservation challenges and successes in the Galápagos. The station also features a native plant garden, providing a tranquil setting to appreciate the island's indigenous vegetation.

Los Gemelos (Santa Cruz Island)

12. Los Gemelos (Santa Cruz Island)

Natural Wonders, Free, Hiking, Recreation, Sightseeing

1 to 2 hours

Los Gemelos, located on Santa Cruz Island in the Galápagos, are two impressive sinkholes or collapsed lava chambers. These geological formations offer a unique experience for nature enthusiasts. Visitors can embark on a scenic hike through lush Scalesia forests, which are home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Bird watchers will particularly enjoy spotting species like the vermilion flycatcher and various finches. The area around Los Gemelos is also rich in endemic plant species, providing a fascinating glimpse into the island's unique ecosystem. The serene environment and stunning panoramic views make it a perfect spot for photography. Guided tours are available, offering insights into the geological history and ecological significance of the area. Whether you're an avid hiker, a bird watcher, or simply looking to enjoy the natural beauty, Los Gemelos offers a tranquil and enriching experience.